Grosse Misconduct

 What happens when an eccentric Human Resources team is being led by a high-maintenance director? GROSSE MISCONDUCT depicts these scenarios in a six-part digital video series produced with the intention of being streamed. In March 2019, GROSSE MISCONDUCT partnered with Revry, the first-ever global LGBTQ-focused streaming service and can be streamed in over 100 countries.

Comedic Digital Series

Project: Create a six-part digital video series that resonates with a multitude of viewers.

Logline: A Human Resources team under the leadership of their mercurial and petulant director, Mitch Grosse.

Watch full series:

Colby Ryan
Anne Schroeder
Pooya Mohseni
Steve Barkman

Directed by  Mitchell Lazar
Written by Colby Ryan and Anne Schroeder
Cinematography by Jens Victor
Produced by Daniel Sorochkin